Name | Kitty White
Birthday | 1st, November, 1974
Zodiac Sign | Scorpio
Blood Type | A
Birthplace | Suburban London, England
Resides | In a red roof little white house at a suburban town 20km from London.
Weight | Same as 3 apples!
Height | Same as 5 apples!
Favourite Color | Red
Favourite Food |
- Candy
- hot cakes
- puddings
- Apple pie(baked by mama)
School |
- 4km from Hello kitty's home in London
- A beautiful school with trees and animals surrounding the school.
- Takes 3 stops by bus before getting to school every morning.
Favourite Subjects | English, Music
Hobbies |
- Visiting candy store.
- Music, playing piano.
- Sports, playing tennis.
- Going to nearby park with friends.
- Collecting little stars, little goldfishes, lollies.
Boyfriend | First Love is Dear Daniel. But he had to go to Africa with his parents. Now, Kitty likes Jody who is her classmate at school.
Personality |
- Very happy and cheerful.
- Energetic, she loves to go outside, play in the park or forest.
Dream | To be a pianist or a poet
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