Hello Kitty Profile

NameKitty White
Birthday1st, November, 1974
Zodiac SignScorpio
Blood TypeA
BirthplaceSuburban London, England
ResidesIn a red roof little white house at a suburban town 20km from London.
WeightSame as 3 apples!
HeightSame as 5 apples!
Favourite ColorRed
Favourite Food
  • Candy
  • hot cakes
  • puddings
  • Apple pie(baked by mama)
  • 4km from Hello kitty's home in London
  • A beautiful school with trees and animals surrounding the school.
  • Takes 3 stops by bus before getting to school every morning.
Favourite SubjectsEnglish, Music
  • Visiting candy store.
  • Music, playing piano.
  • Sports, playing tennis.
  • Going to nearby park with friends.
  • Collecting little stars, little goldfishes, lollies.
BoyfriendFirst Love is Dear Daniel. But he had to go to Africa with his parents. Now, Kitty likes Jody who is her classmate at school.
  • Very happy and cheerful.
  • Energetic, she loves to go outside, play in the park or forest.
DreamTo be a pianist or a poet
